Baba Prithvi Singh Azad (Lahore Conspiracy Case ( First) )

Born in village labru-Patiala-Punjab. One of the founder members of the Gadar Party. Sentenced to death in the Lahore Conspiracy Case 1915. Afterwards commuted to life imprisonment. Deported to Cellular jail- Andamans. Repatriated to mainland and while on transit to Nagpur Central Jail escaped from police custody from a running mail train on 29-11-1922. Led an underground life for sixteen years. In 1938, he voluntarily surrendered to Mahatma Gandhi. He was again arrested by the British Government. But was released with the outbreak of the second world war(1939).


This is not a comprehensive list. We have tried to record the names of the prominent freedom fighters who were involved in some of the major revolutionary movements of the time and incarcerated in this Cellular Jail. We welcome contributions from anyone who has specific details to Contact Us.

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