Prabir Kumar Goswami (Arms Act)

S/o Surendra Kishore Goswami, Mymensingh, Bangladesh . Arrested in the alleagation of trespassing and threatening, collection of illegal arms, conspiracy for murder and robbery of post bags at Kishoregunj in 1932. Awarded a total of 16 and half years imprisonment . deported to Cellular jail in the yaer 1932. Repatriated during 1937-38.

Sachindra Lal Kar Gupta (Alipore Bomb and Conspiracy Case)

s/o Rash Bihari Kar Gupta , Nalchara, Mandi, Barisal, Bangladesh. Arrested in connection with bomb and explosive conspiracy , Alipore.sentenced on 14 June 1930 to seven years imprisonment . Again sentenced on 20 March, 1933 to 6 years imprisonment in allegation of absconding from jail for 10 months. Deported to Cellular jail in 1934. Repatriated during 1937.

Sreedhar Goswami (Kamalpur Action Case)

S/o Dharmendra Goswami, Mymensingh, Bangladesh.Sentenced on 19 April 1933 to 7 years prison term for Kamalpur Action Case. Deported to Andamans in 1934. Repatriated during 1937-38.

Sudhanshu Sen Gupta (Bakargunj Explosive Case)

1932 S/o Manoranjan Sengupta , Goyala, Gorani, Barisal, Bangladesh. Sent up in Bakargunj Explosive Case , 1932 on seven years imprisonment on 13 December 1932. Deported to Cellular jail in 1933. Repatriated in 1937-38.


This is not a comprehensive list. We have tried to record the names of the prominent freedom fighters who were involved in some of the major revolutionary movements of the time and incarcerated in this Cellular Jail. We welcome contributions from anyone who has specific details to Contact Us.

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